All ATVs are required to have current membership stickers to ride Mt Baber trails
General Info
The Mt. Baber trail network is open year-round except when regulated use restrictions are in effect during fire season. Trail conditions or difficulty levels may differ from what is shown on the table because of changes in
seasonal conditions. Individual trails may be closed at any time due to active forest management operations, ongoing project work, or to prevent trail damage. Check the trail signs and information kiosk at the trailhead
for trail information or for posted closures. The total length of the trail loop is 32.6 miles.
All of the trails in the Mt. Baber area are marked with trail signs. Each sign has the trail name, difficulty level, and use designation. Operate only on the trails open to your use type and appropriate for your skill level. Each trail segment on the map corresponds to the descriptions below: ALL TRAIL ARE ONE WAY – Except Upper Deer Creek trails.
Usage of trails on private land at Mt. Baber
The trails at Mt. Baber are created and maintained for your use and enjoyment by the Mt. Baber ATV Club and Oregon Department of Forestry in cooperation with Weyerhaeuser. Membership is required for all riders to use these segments of the trail. These areas are signed and indicated on the individual trail description table. In addition, a small portion of the trail system uses Bonneville Power Administration right-of-way and much of the meadow staging area is with a BPA easement across state ownership. All landowners have entered into formal agreements with the Mt. Baber ATV Club to allow us of the trail system.
Trail Tips
To protect the resource and to enhance your riding experience, regulations governing ATV use at Mt. Baber have been adopted. Law enforcement officers enforce the following regulations throughout the area:
- Stay on designated trails. Don’t create side routes around obstacles.
- Stay out of creeks, streams, and other waterways.
- Respect trail designations and closures.
- Don’t use trails on private land without permission or club membership.
- Don’t ride on roadside cutbacks.
- Don’t harass or chase wildlife or livestock.
- Share the trails, Be courteous when encountering others.